Acupuncture - Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Natalie Lenoir-Blackman is proud to be certified in the practice of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM). It is a medical system that has been used in China to treat animals for thousands of years which adapted from similar practice on humans. Chinese Medicine is a complete body of thought and practice channeling the body’s energy force (Qi). Like any medical system, TCVM continues to evolve and current research on acupuncture and herbal medicine is beginning to shed light on how it can benefit all animals.
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a healing art that originated in China over 4,000 years ago.
The practice uses needles to stimulate specific points on the body in order to manipulate the energy force (Qi), which runs through the body. If the flow of Qi in the body is unbalanced, insufficient, or obstructed then a disease may result. Qi travels in channels through the body, and acupuncture points are specific locations where these channels are easily accessible on the skin’s surface. By needling specific points, balance can be restored to the body and allow it to heal itself. Acupuncture can be used to treat specific symptoms, while working on the root of the disease.
Acupuncture is a healing art that originated in China over 4,000 years ago.
The practice uses needles to stimulate specific points on the body in order to manipulate the energy force (Qi), which runs through the body. If the flow of Qi in the body is unbalanced, insufficient, or obstructed then a disease may result. Qi travels in channels through the body, and acupuncture points are specific locations where these channels are easily accessible on the skin’s surface. By needling specific points, balance can be restored to the body and allow it to heal itself. Acupuncture can be used to treat specific symptoms, while working on the root of the disease.
Acupuncture Benefits:
Reasons for Treatment:
Other Treatments include: Acupressure the simple use of manual pressure on a point instead of using a needle. Electroacupuncture electrical stimulation between points to enhance the effect. It is especially useful in musculoskeletal and spinal problems. Aquapuncture an injection of saline-diluted Vitamin B12 in an acupuncture point. This allows stimulation of the point without the needle having to stay in place. Herbal Alternatives Herbs are used extensively in China to reestablish the balance within the body. In China, herbs are more widely used than acupuncture. The beauty of herbal formulas is that there is continuous rebalancing of flow because the herbs are in the system all the time. This enhances the effect of the acupuncture treatments. We recommend only high quality formulas specially formulated for our animal friends. |
How safe is acupuncture therapy? Acupuncture is a very safe medical procedure when administered by a qualified practitioner. Very few side effects have been found in clinical cases. How much does a veterinary acupuncture treatment cost? It depends on location, practitioner, species, and disease. A typical range of fees for a single session of acupuncture will vary from $40-S200. Each new TCVM patient must have a TCVM Consult and then a treatment plan will be discussed upon what is found. We offer individual treatments or a package of 3 to save you money. Please contact the office for prices. How long is each treatment? Each session may take 20 to 60 minutes depending on the size of the animal and condition that is being treated. Why is Acupuncture frequently combined with herbs? Sometimes the application of Chinese Herbal Medicine is chosen by the knowledgeable veterinarian as a support for the acupuncture, or on occasion, in lieu of it. Herbs are frequently used in situations that have not responded to traditional western veterinary medical practices. How many treatments are needed? A series of 3 to 10 treatments can resolve many chronic problems, however depends upon the nature, severity and duration of the disease. A single treatment may be enough for an acute condition. Some degenerative conditions may need monthly treatments over time. What are Acupuncture methods and goals? Dry needling, moxibustion, aqua-acupuncture and electro-stimulation are a few ways Acupoints, or pressure points, may be stimulated. Whatever tools are used, the goal is always the same: to restore the flow of Qi and allow homeostasis to return. Who is qualified to perform veterinary acupuncture? Only licensed veterinarians are eligible to practice acupuncture in most states in the USA. A certified acupuncture training course is highly recommended before performing veterinary acupuncture. |
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